About the app
What is Cryptonite?
Cryptonite is an envisioned online digital platform that aims at: Gathering certified, credible and reliable cryptocurrency-related information. Serving as a comprehensive guide linking newcomers to renowned professionals: Advisors and Traders Spreading knowledge about state-of-the-art cryptocurrency trading and management practices together with their underlying enabling technologies.
Why Cryptonite?
Groups of individuals
Usually formed and maintained via popular online messaging platforms. Provide an avenue where investors can: Share news, Exchange ideas/opinions, Ask questions.
Cryptocurrency market
Underlying technologies driving this market are just gaining traction. Choosing the right coin requires good knowledge (currently limited): Education about such matter is necessary and is currently entertained ad-hoc within CCs.
Coins continue to receive momentum
Recognized potential to replace traditional financial systems. Clouds of information are invading CCs regarding these coins. CCs do largely encourage crypto adoption, yet based on no solid grounds
Conversations among CC
Establish safe, secure, informed, reliable and attractive trade platforms.